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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 and i hope this year bring good fortune and happiness than 2008,the worst year of my life (my father and grand father died, unstable economy and bla bla bla) so this year i hope everything will be ok if not worse :)

if your pc wont reboot to windows ,you can easily pop up this boot disk and repair it. just extract it and burn with nero or other cd burner

here the family tree of our beloved prophet that i got from friend(quite rare actually) that he got from his ustaz . so we can see that all are from Adam a.s .

so you just like this particular new games and wanna buy it..... but what if your millennium old computer can run it or not.? it easy u just go to this website and it will calculate whether your PC can run it or not. here it is

just install the java thingy, don't worry it don't have any virus or malware .

if your PC can run the minimum spec for the game like fallout 3 like me its just enough , i guess..

happy gaming brothaaa

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