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dang ,so many work to do so i totally forgot to update my crib , i just played almost 2 week now after the resurrection of my xbox 360(3rr0d) which i repaired on my own by viewing various thread on the internet coupled by watching various tips and trick on youtube and its work! ,nuff said i just play straight the farcry 2 till the wee hour in the morning , so in my opinion

9/10 =the lush jungle in africa and its wildlife sure feel lifelike ,night and day cycle feel nice and character model much better than the first and when i got malaria (from the game) sure feels like it ha ahha

8/10=crash boom bang , and the jungle ambience feel realistic and the music sure blend well where the action happens

8/10 =nice feel like rpg combined with fps ,you got buddy to help you if you rescue them and you can upgrade thing and collect diamond ,but the map sure gives me headache sometime because its not traditional fps where map we can view easily upper right side of the screen , in farcry 2 we were given like real map with gps ,sure its feel lifelike but switch on and off gives me headache

my conclusion is just go buy this game if you have played the first farcry (the story is not interconnect tho from the first) , just buy the friggin game !!!


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